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I believe in the power of being authentic and true to yourself, being vulnerable and accepting every part of you, no matter if it's a shadow or light. Why? As it is our True Essence and you have a right to embody it to find joy, peace, and safety in your body. and it all brings in meaning to your life. I fully commit to embrace the sensitivity, uniqueness, and inner energy you have, so you make decisions every day which feel right and harmonious to you.
I’m here to guide you into finding your body intuition to help you become your true self. It's time to feel and enjoy who you are, live authentically as you always wanted to, but maybe never had time or courage or resources to step into this new path. Believe me, your body knows how to operate, all you need to do is reconnect with your emotions, love and the energy within. Feel your inner wisdom and intuition.
I’m here to guide you to your inner energy, the energy which gives you the power to be, live and act as yourself.
By healing your body and reconnecting with it by following your intuition, you can be authentically, truly, deeply yourself and never hide from the world. Remember, you are unique and it's time to express your individuality now. The healing starts when you leave your comfort zone and start to embody it within.
By deeply truly loving yourself for who you are and following your True Essence - your Soul, you find your ways and values in who you are. Love starts from within and from being who you are , not what you do. I'm here to show you the quality of life in the state of being not doing. I use my intuition and knowledge, to reach with you the full state of self-love, self-acceptance and self-confidence. This foundation helps in finding safety and security within you, so you are free to self-express your needs, desires and passions recognising yourself for who you are.
With my experience and my openness, I am here to guide you in healing your emotional wounds, traumas, limiting believes and fears. This process will allow you to understand your conditioning from others, so you can feel empowered to be authentic in any moment of your life. I truly believe this is the way to bring your power back to yourself and design the life you always wanted to. By feeling, we are back to being a human, truly connected with our heart and soul, feeling safe to face new challenges and energies coming to us from the outside world.
Our mind is here to process information, store data, analyse and gather inspiration, however we have decided to put it in charge of making decisions and plan every minute of our life. Don't get me wrong, planning is helpful, but our mind is lost trying to logically predict and chose best solution to our problem or decision for our future. By decluttering and detoxifying your mind, you slow down, bring back your mind to peaceful state and change your vibration into its highest expression.
In the rush of the world we loose harmony, compassion and sensitivity to ourselves and others. We lose our intuition, as we keep doing, without thinking or feeling or stopping. And taking a pause is a crucial to slow down and tap into pace of nature, harmony and feminine energy of the universe. From this vibration you connect with your highest self, you flow through life, you give yourself time to rest, play and achieve your dreams respecting your boundaries, your body and the nature around you.
When we play, we connect with our inner child and we turn off the serious mode by going into a child carefree zone. In this state, we are just with ourselves, purely enjoying and feeling the bliss when doing what we love. Playing can be going for a walk, swimming in the lake, singing, dancing, playing with your favourite instrument, cooking, or anything else what brings you pure joy and pleasure. Let’s remind ourselves how it is to play, how it is to live in a pease in our heart and our mind, which is natural to us.
Living the life when trying to force, push and initiate is a challenge for everyone of us. It turns off our trust and belief that the world and people around us can give and support us in our journey, not only take. By being in the freeze response and protecting our body from any threats, we close the window to trustfall on life and deeply surrender into what the world has for us to offer. Everyone has their own purpose here in the world, and the abundance vibration you can connect with, brings you back to your state of enjoying the life you dreamed of.
I commit to act with honesty, integrity, and respect for myself and my clients.
I vow to give my best efforts to myself and to my clients.
I understand that academic and personal integrity is vital mission of mine and the Four Winds Energy Medicine School.
I vow to create a safe environment for healing and personal growth and to share with integrity with my clients and other Energy Medicine Practitioners.
I commit to foster academic, spiritual, ethical, and intellectual growth.
I vow to respect and protect the privacy of my clients and not disclose any confidential and/or personal information.
I commit to always heal and treat my clients with my best intention, by bringing light, love and comprehension before, during and after our energy medicine treatments.
I dedicate my practice to bring my clients intention of beauty, of joy, of happiness, of healing. By getting my client's energy system properly flowing again, my client can step into a self-healing process.
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